“Seeing Ourselves as the Ones God Sends”
Last Sunday we were reminded that part of our identity as Christians is the reality of resurrection — that Jesus’ resurrection becomes our invitation to join Him in it. Turns out that’s not the only thing we’re called to join Him in :-) …
Today’s message is meant not just to motivate us, but to get us moving out into the mission field that remains all around us. In doing so, please be sure to know that’s not to say “BLAST THEM WITH GOSPEL!!!” It is to say life a live that by God’s grace makes Jesus more beautiful & more believable to everyone you encounter. It’s about seeing yourself as one sent by God to reach people for God in the power & love of God.
Sent ones who know it’s God who sends them …
1. must never minimize their identity as those sent by Him.
Practicing the sent life requires ongoing commitment to the call & the cause.
John 20:19-21
2. are called to keep living the core principles of their calling.
1] God is at work drawing people to Himself. 2] God uses His people to lead other people to Jesus. 3] God continually calls us into the work of evangelism.
John 5:16-18 Acts 1:8 & 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 & 5:17-20 Timothy 4:1-5
Making It Real
1] How will you cultivate your identity as one sent by God?
2] Can you see the simplicity, beauty & power of these core principles?
Action Step
Pray this week for a fresh awareness of your identity as one sent by God into this world
the same way Jesus was knowing it requires an all in mindset & follow-through.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page April 24, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com